The Arnold Levin Collection: Mute Cancels of Russia 1914-1917, Part 1 - Auction #37

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Завершен 16, 2024
Oldlouis Auctions

The Arnold Levin Collection: Mute Cancels of Russia 1914-1917, Part 1 - Auction #37 от Oldlouis Auctions был проведен в США, городе Huntersville. Аукцион начался в 09:00 AM PDT, 16, 2024. Основные специализации аукциона были Марки. Валюта аукциона USD (US Dollar). Средняя стартовая цена лотов аукциона была $61. "1915 (15 Nov) Warsaw, Warsaw province, Russian Empire (cur. Poland), Mute commercial postcard to Moscow, Mute postmark cancellation "paid" (Lot 1359)" был самым дорогим лотом с $950 ценой продажи.

31 участников торгов

295 лотов было выставлено

201 лотов было продано

68% результативность продаж

$950 Наивысшая цена продажи

Топ 10 лотов
Лот 1359
1915 (15 Nov) Warsaw, Warsaw province, Russian Empire (cur. Poland), Mute commercial postcard to Moscow, Mute postmark cancellation "paid"
Лот 1501
1914 (16 Aug) Wezenberg, Ehstlyand province Russian Empire (cur. Rakvere, Estonia), Mute commercial money letter cover to Allenkyul', Mute postmark cancellation
Лот 1476
Baltiyskiy Port, Ehstlyand province Russian Empire (cur. Paldiski, Estonia), Mute commercial censored money letter to England, Mute postmark cancellation
Лот 1339
1914 (Aug) Lodz', Petrokov province, Russian Empire (cur. Poland) Mute commercial cover to St-Peterburg, Mute postmark cancellation "taken out of mailbox" Commercial advertising seal
Лот 1463
Nuiya, Liflyand province Russian Empire (cur. Karksi-Nuia, Estonia), Mute commercial registered cover to Veisenshtein, Mute postmark cancellation
Лот 1358
1914 (Aug) Warsaw, Warsaw province, Russian Empire (cur. Poland), Mute commercial postcard to Likhoslavl, Mute postmark cancellation
Лот 1465
1914 (23 Aug) Orrisaar, Liflyand province Russian Empire (cur. Orrisaare, Estonia), Mute commercial registered cover mailed locally, Mute postmark cancellation
Лот 1347
1914 (Aug) Miastkovo, Lomzha province. Russian Empire (cur. Miastkowo, Poland) Mute commercial registered cover to Vinnitsa, Mute postmark cancellation
Лот 1594
1914 (30 Aug) Odessa, Kherson province, Russian Empire (cur. Ukraine), Mute commercial postcard to Petrograd, Handstamp of 256 Regiment 2nd Company, Mute postmark cancellation
Лот 1453
1914 (21 Aug) Vekhma, Liflyand province Russian Empire (cur. Vikhma, Estonia), Mute commercial registered cover to Revel', Mute postmark cancellation
Лоты: 1333-1432 Все цены указаны в USD
Лоты: 1433-1532 Все цены указаны в USD
Лоты: 1533-1627 Все цены указаны в USD